Uses of Class

Packages that use Threadsafe
voldemort.client The user facing interface to Voldemort. 
voldemort.cluster Classes that model a voldemort cluster. 
voldemort.server The Voldemort server. The Store interface is the primary interface for Voldemort. A store implmentation that handles routing to nodes, and repairing obsolete values detected on those nodes. Store wrappers which deal with statistics 
voldemort.utils Basic helper functions. 

Uses of Threadsafe in voldemort.client

Classes in voldemort.client with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class DefaultStoreClient<K,V>
          The default StoreClient implementation you get back from a StoreClientFactory
 interface StoreClient<K,V>
          The user-facing interface to a Voldemort store.
 class ZenStoreClient<K,V>
          The enhanced StoreClient implementation you get back from a StoreClientFactory

Uses of Threadsafe in voldemort.cluster

Classes in voldemort.cluster with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class Cluster
          A representation of the voldemort cluster
 class Node
          A node in the voldemort cluster

Uses of Threadsafe in voldemort.server

Classes in voldemort.server with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class StoreRepository
          A wrapper class that holds all the server's stores--storage engines, routed stores, and remote stores.

Uses of Threadsafe in

Classes in with annotations of type Threadsafe
 interface Store<K,V,T>
          The basic interface used for storage and storage decorators.

Uses of Threadsafe in

Classes in with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class ReadRepairer<K,V>
          Repair out-dated reads, by sending an up-to-date value back to the offending clients This class computes the set of repairs that need to be made.

Uses of Threadsafe in

Classes in with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class Histogram
          Deprecated. Use Tehuti Histograms instead...

Uses of Threadsafe in voldemort.utils

Classes in voldemort.utils with annotations of type Threadsafe
 class CachedCallable<T>

Jay Kreps, Roshan Sumbaly, Alex Feinberg, Bhupesh Bansal, Lei Gao, Chinmay Soman, Vinoth Chandar, Zhongjie Wu