Uses of Class

Packages that use RebalancePlan
voldemort.client.rebalance All classes associated with the rebalance controller tool. 
voldemort.utils Basic helper functions. 

Uses of RebalancePlan in voldemort.client.rebalance

Methods in voldemort.client.rebalance that return RebalancePlan
 RebalancePlan RebalanceController.getPlan(Cluster finalCluster, int batchSize)
          Construct a plan for the specified final cluster & batchSize given the current cluster/stores & configuration of the RebalanceController.
 RebalancePlan RebalanceController.getPlan(Cluster finalCluster, java.util.List<StoreDefinition> finalStoreDefs, int batchSize)
          Construct a plan for the specified final cluster/stores & batchSize given the current cluster/stores & configuration of the RebalanceController.

Methods in voldemort.client.rebalance with parameters of type RebalancePlan
 void RebalanceController.rebalance(RebalancePlan rebalancePlan)
          Validate the plan, validate the cluster, and then kick off rebalance.

Uses of RebalancePlan in voldemort.utils

Methods in voldemort.utils with parameters of type RebalancePlan
static void RebalanceUtils.dumpPlanToFile(java.lang.String outputDirName, RebalancePlan plan)
          Prints the plan to a file.

Jay Kreps, Roshan Sumbaly, Alex Feinberg, Bhupesh Bansal, Lei Gao, Chinmay Soman, Vinoth Chandar, Zhongjie Wu