Package voldemort.routing

Routing strategies for mapping requests into the Voldemort cluster.


Interface Summary
RoutingStrategy A routing strategy maps puts and gets to an ordered "preference list" of servers.

Class Summary
BaseStoreRoutingPlan This class wraps up a Cluster object and a StoreDefinition.
ConsistentRoutingStrategy A Routing strategy that routes each request to the first N nodes where N is a user defined replication factor.
RouteToAllLocalPrefStrategy A class that denotes a route to all strategy with local preference.
RouteToAllStrategy A routing strategy which just routes each request to all the nodes given.
RoutingStrategyFactory A factory that gets the appropriate RoutingStrategy for a given RoutingStrategyType.
RoutingStrategyType An enumeration of RoutingStrategies type
StoreRoutingPlan This class wraps up a Cluster object and a StoreDefinition.
ZoneRoutingStrategy A Zone Routing strategy that sits on top of the Consistent Routing strategy such that each request goes to zone specific replicas

Package voldemort.routing Description

Routing strategies for mapping requests into the Voldemort cluster.

Couple of implementations here - normal consistent hashing ( ConsistentRoutingStrategy ) and zone based routing ( ZoneRoutingStrategy)

Jay Kreps, Roshan Sumbaly, Alex Feinberg, Bhupesh Bansal, Lei Gao, Chinmay Soman, Vinoth Chandar, Zhongjie Wu